Shell Python

Signalbox REST API - Version 2.5

1. Introduction

Signalbox REST API v2.5 root URL:

Signalbox is a web service enabling the automatic identification of which train service a device is travelling on. This enables mobile applications and internet of things devices to know which train service they are currently travelling on using only the sensor data available from the device and a simple call to the Signalbox API. Alongside this core functionality, Signalbox provides a number of ancillary functions to support the many use cases it enables.

Signalbox provides a simple, versioned REST API.

The root URL of version 2.5 of the API is All API endpoints that are part of this version of the API start with this URL.

The Signalbox REST API returns all responses encoded as JSON.

Signalbox customers will find additional detail and best practices in the Enterprise docs.

2. Authentication

The authenticated endpoint uses the GET method and has the URL


Check you are authenticated by sending a GET request to the authenticated endpoint:

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'
import requests

url = ""
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


If you are authenticated the following response is returned:

    "message":"Authentication Successful"

If you are not authenticated the following response is returned from all endpoints that require authentication:

    "message": "Unauthorised. Please check your credentials."

Access to the Signalbox REST API is restricted using API keys. When signing up for access to the Signalbox API, you will have been provided with an API key. This must be included in all requests to the Signalbox REST API.

Your API key must be sent in the Authorization header of all HTTP requests as a Bearer Token as follows (replacing {YOUR_API_KEY} with your API key):

Header Name Value
Authorization Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}

If you do not have an API key please contact us to request one.

If your API key is invalid or you forgot to include an authorisation request header, a 401 HTTP status code is returned, along with a JSON response indicating an authorization failure.

You may optionally check you are authenticated by sending a GET request (including the Authorization header) to the authenticated endpoint.

3. The detect endpoint

The detect endpoint is used to match the location of a device to a particular train service.

The detect takes as input the location measurement as reported by the underlying operating system of the device, and returns the train service (or multiple train services) the device is estimated to be on.

For each train service in the returned results, a probability field is included. Where a single train service is returned, this will always be 1.0. Where multiple possible matching train services are returned, this probability across all returned train services will sum to 1.0.

At a minimum, requests to the detect endpoint must contain a device’s location measurement. Additional fields can be included where available to improve the accuracy of the returned results as outlined below.

3.1. Request

The detect endpoint uses the POST method and has the URL


The detect endpoint accepts a POST request with the body encoded as the content type application/json.


Note that the authorisation header must be included in all requests to this endpoint, as described in the authentication section.


Below is an example of a request made to the detect endpoint.

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
"lon": -0.11731035,
"lat": 51.49363,
"accuracy": 10,
"ts": "2020-02-24T15:22:37+01:00",
"speed": 10.25,
"bearing": 15.0,
"include_on_network_probability": true,
"include_nearby_stops": true,
"include_rsid": true
import json
import requests

url = ''
payload = {
    'lon': -0.11731035,
    'lat': 51.49363,
    'accuracy': 10,
    'ts': '2020-02-24T15:22:37+01:00',
    'speed': 10.25,
    'bearing': 15.0,
    'include_on_network_probability': True,
    'include_nearby_stops': True,
    'include_rsid': True,
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}',

response =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

The request body has the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
Number The longitude of the device’s location. The units are decimal degrees. There is no default value.
Number The latitude of the device’s location. The units are decimal degrees. There is no default value.
Number The accuracy of the device’s location, which represents the radius of a circle surrounding the estimated location. The units are metres. There is no default value.
String The combined date and time when the request measurements were obtained. The required format is "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm", which is the ISO 8601 standard format with the offset from UTC. The default value is the date and time when the request was received by the Signalbox REST API.
Number The device’s bearing, which is the horizontal direction of travel (note, this is not related to the device’s orientation). The units are decimal degrees, measured clockwise from geographic north. There is no default value.
Number This is the speed at which the device is currently moving. The units are metres per second. There is no default value.
Boolean If set to true, for each train detected, Signalbox will calculate the previous, current and next passenger stops, based on the assumption that the user is on the train. This information is returned in the response, and stops are represented using their Computer Reservation System (CRS) code.
Boolean If set to true, the probability that the user is on the rail network at the time of making the request will be included in the response. If not provided, this parameter defaults to false.
Boolean If set to true, Retail Service IDs will be included in the results of this API call for all train services where they are available. If not provided, this parameter defaults to false. Note, there are circumstances in which a train without a RSID may be returned by Signalbox. Therefore, applications must be able to handle result sets where the RSID field may be null, either by ignoring those trains or by reverting to their Darwin RID, which is always included.
Boolean If set to true, the response will include a field called multiping_data. The multiping data is required for the Multiping feature, which improves the accuracy train matching results (see section 3.5). If not provided, this parameter defaults to false.
String This field forms part of the optional Multiping feature, described in detail in Section 3.5. This field should be populated with the multiping_data value from the previous detect request in the same user session to improve the accuracy of the results.


3.2. Response

This is an example of a response:

  "trains": [
      "rid": "37794311",
      "probability": 0.22,
      "rsid": "AB123455",
      "nearby_stops": {
        "previous_stop": "WAT",
        "current_stop": "CLJ",
        "next_stop": "WOK"
      "rid": "37794311",
      "probability": 0.78,
      "rsid": "AB123456",
      "nearby_stops": {
        "previous_stop": "QRB",
        "current_stop": null,
        "next_stop": "CLJ"
  "on_network_probability": 0.94

The response is JSON-formatted with the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
trains Array This is an an array, where each element in the array contains a json with the rid of a candidate train and its probability.
rid String This is the unique ID for the train. It is the same ID that is used by Darwin, which is the UK rail industry’s official real-time train information source. The rid is a string, typically 15 characters long.
rsid String This is the Retail Service ID for the train. It will be included where available for all trains in the results set if include_rsid was specified in the request. As it is occasionally possible for Signalbox to return results including trains without an RSID, this may be null and applications must be able to handle this scenario gracefully, either by excluding those trains from use or identifying them by their Darwin rid, which will always be present.
probability Number The probability that a device is on this train service. If more than one possible train service is included in the response, the probabilities across all included services will sum to 1.0.
nearby_stops Object An object consisting of three elements: previous_stop, current_stop and next_stop. For each of these elements, the value may either be null or the CRS code of a station. For each element, the values may be null depending on the progress on the service’s journey and the location data submitted with the request. Note, the nearby_stops object is only included in the response if include_nearby_stops was included and set to true in the request.
on_network_probability Number A decimal value between 0 and 1 indicating the probability that the user making the request is located on the GB National Rail network at the time of making the request. Only included in the response if include_on_network_probability was included and set to true in the request.
multiping_data String A String that contains encoded data required for the Multiping feature (see section 3.5). This may be saved and sent with the next request from the user in this session to improve the train detection accuracy.

3.3. Sample responses for testing

To facilitate testing software developed against the Signalbox REST API, the detect endpoint can accept a set of three special, fixed inputs which will always trigger the same fixed response.

The following latitude/longitude pairs, if provided as input to the detect endpoint, will always generate the exact same response as shown in the following table:

Longitude Latitude HTTP Status Code Response Data
1.0 1.0 200 {"trains": []}
2.0 1.0 200 {"trains": [{"rid": "200012131234567", "probability": 1.0}]}
3.0 1.0 200 {"trains": [ {"rid": "200012131234568", "probability": 0.78}, {"rid": "200012131234569", "probability": 0.22}]}

3.4. Useful real locations for testing

Some useful real-world locations which we recommend for testing signalbox are included in the table below. They cover a range of activity levels from very busy routes into major stations to quiet rural backwater stations.

Longitude Latitude Activity Level Description
-0.117678 51.493184 Very High Approach to London Waterloo.
-1.139679 53.527338 High Approximately 0.5km North of Doncaster.
-3.54348 50.729523 Medium Approximately 1km north of Exeter St Davids.
-4.137345 50.380575 Low Approach to Plymouth from the East.
-1.549484 53.112921 Very Low Cromford station.

3.5 Multiping

Below is an example of a MultiPing request made to the detect endpoint.

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
"lon": -0.11731035,
"lat": 51.49363,
"accuracy": 10,
"ts": "2020-02-24T15:22:37+01:00",
"speed": 10.25,
"bearing": 15.0,
"multiping": true,
"last_multiping_data": "ewogICAgInRyYWlucyI6WwogICAgewogICAgICAgICJyaW"
import json
import requests

url = ''
payload = {
    'lon': -0.11731035,
    'lat': 51.49363,
    'accuracy': 10,
    'ts': '2020-02-24T15:22:37+01:00',
    'speed': 10.25,
    'bearing': 15.0,
    'multiping': true,
    'last_multiping_data': 'ewogICAgInRyYWlucyI6WwogICAgewogICAgICAgICJyaW',
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}',

response =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

This is an example of a MultiPing response:

  "trains": [
      "rid": "37794311",
      "probability": 0.22
      "rid": "37794311",
      "probability": 0.78
  "multiping_data": "ewogICAgInRyYWlucyI6WwogICAgewogICAgICAgICJyaW"

The Multiping feature of the detect endpoint allows for data from a previous detect request to be used to improve the estimation accuracy of subsequent requests. Use of this feature substantially increases the likelihood of a single correct train service being identified.

Multiping can be activated by:

  1. Setting the multiping field to true in all detect requests,
  2. Saving the multiping_data value returned between requests,
  3. Sending the previous multiping_data value in the last_multiping_data field of the request payload of any subsequent detect request by that user within a reasonable time period.

Usage recommendations

For real-time end-user facing applications, such as passenger information apps, we recommend using Multiping to maximise the likelihood of a single matching train being identified by the detect end point. In order to maximise the effectiveness but minimise any delay in response to user interaction, we recommend making an initial request to the detect endpoint prior to the user explicitly requesting their train to be identified, for example, when checking their location on first load of the application, or when entering into the live running information section of the application. This means that when the user requests their train to be identified, a second detect request may be sent taking advantage of the encoded_estiamte data from the first request to increase its accuracy and specificity.

Multiping should also be used to provide the best possible user experience in any situation where the user is presented with the opportunity to re-trigger the detect request manually, or when the user interface allows them to trigger detect requests multiple times in a single journey.

4. The feedback endpoint

The feedback endpoint is used to provide automatic feedback on detect results to the Signalbox algorithm to allow it to learn and improve the detection accuracy.

The feedback endpoint can be used to indicate any of the following outcomes:

  1. The results from the detect endpoint correctly included the train the user was travelling on.

  2. The results from then detect endpoint did not correctly include the train the user was travelling on, but the user was able to identify their train manually through a search.

  3. The results from the detect endpoint did not correctly include the train the user was travelling on, and the user retried searching for their train through the detect endpoint again.

  4. The user has indicated that the results from the detect endpoint did not correctly include the train the user was travelling on.

In situations where you use the detect endpoint to identify the train service a user is travelling on, and then allow the user to manually overrule the selection in the case where the wrong train service is suggested, this endpoint can be used to increase the accuracy of future detect calls by sending the rid of the train service the user actually indicates they are travelling on to Signalbox.

If you make use of this endpoint, you should always send the “correct” train service as identified by the user when it is known, including when they accept the train service suggested by the detect endpoint (true positives) as well as when they manually specify a different train service (false positives/negatives). This is very important - if feedback is only provided where the detect endpoint provides the incorrect service, the feedback is not effective in helping the Signalbox algorithm to learn.

4.1 Request

The feedback endpoint uses the POST method and has the URL


The feedback endpoint accepts a POST request with the body encoded as the content type application/json.


Note that the authorisation header must be included in all requests to this endpoint, as described in the authentication section.


Below is an example of a request made to the feedback endpoint.

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
"detect_request_id": "eddb4ee8-7a45-42f0-af32-b1517f2a031d",
"chosen_rid": "37794311"
import json
import requests

url = ''
payload = {
	'detect_request_id': 'eddb4ee8-7a45-42f0-af32-b1517f2a031d',
    'chosen_rid': '37794311',
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}',

response =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)

The request body has the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
String The Request ID (value of the X-Signalbox-Request-ID HTTP header in the response) of the detect endpoint request to which this feedback relates.
String The Darwin rid of the service that the user has indicated is the one on which they are travelling (which may or may not have been included in the detect response to which this feedback relates). This should always be provided where know, as without it the accuracy of future Signalbox detect calls will not be increased.
Boolean A boolean indicating that the users' response to being presented with the response to a detect request was to retry the process by running a fresh /detect request, due to not seeing the train they are travelling on in the results.
Boolean A boolean indicating that the users' response to being presented with the response to a detect request was to abandon the detect results due to not seeing the train they are travelling on in those results, and instead to attempt a manual search for their train.
Boolean A boolean indicating that the user has indicated that the detect results they were presented with did not include the train on which they are currently travelling.

4.2 Response

The feedback endpoint returns an empty JSON object, with the HTTP status code 200 if the feedback is received successfully.

5. The trains endpoint

The trains endpoint is used to look up the details of an individual train service.

Trains may be looked up using the Darwin RID, which is the primary unique identifier for train services throughout the Signalbox API. Alternatively, trains may also be looked up using their Timetable UID. This provides a means of integrating Signalbox API calls with data from other industry APIs which use Timetable UIDs as their primary identifier for train services and do not make use of Darwin RIDs.

5.1. Request

The trains endpoint uses the GET method and has the URL{rid}


Alternatively, the trains endpoint may be queried with a Timetable UID at the URL{uid}


The trains endpoint accepts a GET request with the Darwin RID as part of the path.


The alternative formulation of the trains endpoint accepts a GET request with the Timetable UID as part of the path.


Note that the authorisation header must be included in all requests to this endpoint, as described in the authentication section.

Below is an example of a request made to the trains endpoint to look up a train by Darwin RID.

curl --request GET \
  --url '{rid}' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'
import requests

url = "{}".format("{rid}")
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


And here is an example of a request made to the trains endpoint to look up a train by Timetable UID.

curl --request GET \
  --url '{uid}' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'
import requests

url = "{}".format("{uid}")
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


5.2. Response

This is an example of a response:

  "delay": 3.0,
  "destination_name": "London Waterloo",
  "headcode": "2P94",
  "origin_name": "Portsmouth Harbour",
  "rid": "202201127656450",
  "stops": [
      "actual_arrival": null,
      "actual_departure": "2022-01-12T07:34:00+00:00",
      "arrival": null,
      "crs": "PMH",
      "departure": "2022-01-12T07:31:00+00:00",
      "name": "Portsmouth Harbour",
      "platform": "4"
      "actual_arrival": "2022-01-12T09:21:00+00:00",
      "actual_departure": "2022-01-12T09:22:00+00:00",
      "arrival": "2022-01-12T09:14:00+00:00",
      "crs": "WOK",
      "departure": "2022-01-12T09:15:00+00:00",
      "name": "Woking",
      "platform": "2"
      "actual_arrival": "2022-01-12T09:47:00+00:00",
      "actual_departure": null,
      "arrival": "2022-01-12T09:44:00+00:00",
      "crs": "WAT",
      "departure": null,
      "name": "London Waterloo",
      "platform": "16"
  "toc_code": "SW",
  "train_operator": "South Western Railway",
  "uid": "L56450"


The response is JSON-formatted with the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
delay Number The number of minutes delayed the train is currently running.
destination_name String The name of the train service’s destination station.
headcode String The headcode (or Train ID) the train service is running under.
origin_name String The name of the train service’s origin station.
rid String The Darwin RID of the train service.
toc_code String The two letter ATOC code for the train operating company.
train_operator String The human-readable name of the train operating company.
uid String The Timetable UID of the train service.
stops Array An array of calling points of the train.
arrival String An ISO datetime representing the time the train is scheduled to arrive at the stop, or null if there is no scheduled arrival time.
departure String An ISO datetime representing the time the train is scheduled to depart from the stop, or null if there is no scheduled departure time.
actual_arrival String An ISO datetime. If the time is in the future, it is the time the train is forecast to arrive at the stop. If the time is in the past, it is the time the train was actually recorded as arriving at the stop. If there is no scheduled arrival, this field will be null.
actual_departure String An ISO datetime. If the time is in the future, it is the time the train is forecast to depart from the stop. If the time is in the past, it is the time the train was actually recorded as departing from the stop. If there is no scheduled departure, this field will be null.
crs String The three-letter CRS code for the station at which this stop occurs.
name String The human-readable name of the station at which this stop occurs.
platform String The platform at which the service will stop.

6. The train-locations endpoint

The train-locations endpoint is used to look up the geospatial locations of one or several trains.

This endpoint is typically used to provide live map visualisations of a single train, trains in a given geographical area or trains around a particular location. As well as providing the current location of trains, it can also optionally provide a predicted location for a configurable period into the future to allow for visually engaging animations in live map displays.

This is a new endpoint that is currently being tested and access is not generally available. While we aim to make this endpoint available in the future this is subject to ongoing testing. BETA

6.1. Single train request

The train-locations endpoint uses the GET method and has the URL{rid}


To retrieve the location of a single train, the train-locations endpoint accepts a GET request with the Darwin RID as part of the path.


The following URL parameters are available for this endpoint.

Parameter Type Description
predict Number Optional. If specified, Signalbox API will additionally include a prediction of the future location of the train the specified number of seconds in the future in the response data. Acceptable values are in the range from 5 to 60 inclusive.


Below is an example of a request made to the train-locations endpoint to look up the location of a single train by RID.

curl --request GET \
  --url '{rid}?predict=15' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'
import requests

url = "{}?predict=15".format("{rid}")
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


6.2. Single train response

This is an example of a response:

  "delay": 0,
  "location": {
    "lat": 50.79643768657117,
    "lon": -1.077466859523418
  "predicted_location": {
    "lat": 50.79730465116109,
    "lon": -1.0814230844743684
  "predicted_ts": "2020-01-02T10:03:54+00:00",
  "rid": "202001127652863",
  "ts": "2020-01-02T10:03:24+00:00"

The response is JSON-formatted with the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
delay Number The number of minutes delayed the train is currently running.
location Object An object describing the geographical location of the train service at the time of the request.
predicted_location Object An object describing the predicted geogrphical location of the train service the number of seconds in the future specified in the predict request parameter. Not present if the predict parameter was not provided with the request.
ts String Timestamp in ISO format indicating the time at which the location was requested.
predicted_ts String Timestamp in ISO format indicating the time at which the predicted location is predicted for. Only included if the predicted request parameter was set.
rid String The Darwin RID for the train service this location information relates to.
lat Number Latitude component of a location object.
lon Number Longitude component of a location object.

6.3 Multiple trains request

The train-locations endpoint uses the GET method and has the URL


To retrieve the location of all the trains calling at a given location, the train-locations endpoint accepts a GET request with the mandatory URL parameter crs specifying the CRS code of the station which all the returned trains must call at.


The following URL parameters are available for this endpoint.

Parameter Type Description
String The CRS code of the station which all of the trains in the result set must call at.
bbox String Optional. If specified, limit the trains returned to those appearing within the provided bounding box, which is specified in the URL parameter in the following format: lon_min,lat_min,lon_max,lat_max.


Below is an example of a request made to the train-locations endpoint to look up the location of all trains calling at a given station and currently within a given bounding box.

curl --request GET \
  --url '{crs}&bbox={lon_min,lat_min,lon_max,lat_max}' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'
import requests

url = "{crs}&bbox={},{},{},{}".
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


6.4 Multiple trains response

This is an example of a response:

  "trains": [
      "delay": 0,
      "location": {
        "lat": 50.19063084014832,
        "lon": -5.399869140660271
      "rid": "202001127688381"
      "delay": 0,
      "location": {
        "lat": 51.35031552018705,
        "lon": -2.9335016499333686
      "rid": "202001127687718"
  "ts": "2020-01-12T10:28:09+00:00"

The response is JSON-formatted with the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
ts String Timestamp in ISO format indicating the timestamp to which the location data corresponds.
trains Array List containing an object ofr each of the trains matching the provided query parameters.
rid String The Darwin RID for the train service this object describes.
delay Number The number of minutes delayed the train is currently running.
location Object An object describing the geographical location of the train service at the time of the request.
lat Number Latitude component of a location object.
lon Number Longitude component of a location object.

7. The stations endpoint

The stations endpoint is used to look up the list of train services departing from a given station (identified by its 3-letter CRS code) in the near future - the services which would appear on a departure board at that station.

Responses from this endpoint include some basic details of the individual train services, but extra detail required for sophisticated departure board use cases should be looked up from alternative API endpoints using the Darwin RID.

This is a new endpoint that is currently being tested and access is not generally available. While we aim to make this endpoint available in the future this is subject to ongoing testing. BETA

7.1. Request

The station endpoint uses the GET method and has the URL{crs}


The stations endpoint accepts a GET request with a station’s three-letter CRS code as part of the path.


Note that the authorisation header must be included in all requests to this endpoint, as described in the _ authentication_ section.

Below is an example of a request made to the stations endpoint to look up the upcoming departures for a given station.

curl --request GET \
  --url '{crs}' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}'
import requests

url = "{}".format("{crs}")
headers = {
    'Authorization': "Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


The following URL parameters are available for this endpoint.

Parameter Type Description
horizon Number Optional. How far (in minutes) into the future departures should go in the response. Defaults to 180 (3 hours).

7.2. Response

This is an example of a response:

  "trains": [
      "rid": "202205178966785",
      "toc_code": "SW",
      "train_operator": "South Western Railway",
      "delay": 0,
      "departure": "2022-05-17T16:30:00+00:00",
      "actual_departure": "2022-05-17T16:36:00+00:00",
      "platform": "1",
      "cancelled": false,
      "origin_name": "Exeter St Davids",
      "destination_name": "London Waterloo"
      "rid": "202205178966733",
      "toc_code": "SW",
      "train_operator": "South Western Railway",
      "delay": 10,
      "departure": "2022-05-17T16:39:30+00:00",
      "actual_departure": "2022-05-17T16:54:00+00:00",
      "platform": "2",
      "cancelled": false,
      "origin_name": "London Waterloo",
      "destination_name": "Exeter St Davids"
      "rid": "202205178966743",
      "toc_code": "SW",
      "train_operator": "South Western Railway",
      "delay": 0,
      "departure": "2022-05-17T17:41:00+00:00",
      "actual_departure": "2022-05-17T17:41:00+00:00",
      "platform": "2",
      "cancelled": false,
      "origin_name": "London Waterloo",
      "destination_name": "Exeter St Davids"

The response is JSON-formatted with the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
trains Array An array of trains which will depart from the requested location.
rid String The Darwin RID of the train service.
toc_code String The two letter ATOC code for the train operating company.
train_operator String The human-readable name of the train operating company.
delay Number The number of minutes behind schedule the train is forecast to depart the station.
departure String An ISO datetime representing the time the train is scheduled to depart from the stop.
actual_departure String An ISO datetime representing the time the train is forecast to depart from the stop.
platform String The platform at which the service will stop.
cancelled Boolean true if the train service has been cancelled at this station, otherwise false.
origin_name String The name of the train service’s origin station.
destination_name String The name of the train service’s destination station.

A. Response codes

For response codes other than 200 a json object is returned that has the following format:


The Signalbox REST API uses the following HTTP response status codes:

Code Meaning
200 Success - Indicates the request has been successfully processed and a response returned.
400 Bad request - Indicates an invalid request was received, typically caused by missing mandatory fields in the request, incorrect types of request parameters or an incorrectly encoded request body.
401 Unauthorized - This response indicates your API key was not included in the request header, is invalid or has expired. If necessary, contact Signalbox for a new key.
404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found. Please check that the endpoint URL is correct (including the Signalbox root URL and the API version number).
429 Too many requests – There have been too many requests because you have exceeded the rate limit for your current plan. If necessary, contact Signalbox to upgrade your plan.
500 Internal server error - An unexpected internal error occurred in the Signalbox API. Such errors are often transient in nature and so requests failing with this error code may be retried after a short time.
512 Algorithm error - An unexpected error occurred in the core Signalbox algorithm. The error has automatically been logged for investigation. The request should not be automatically retried.

For responses with codes other than 200, a json formatted object is returned with the format shown in the accompanying panel. Note that {EXPLANATION_FOR_RESPONSE} is replaced with a message explaining the reason for the unsuccessful response.

B. Practical implementation

This section contains additional guidelines and best practices for practical implementation of solutions making use of the Signalbox REST API.